After Extreme Weight Loss, Body Contouring Might Be Your Next Important Step

If you’ve lost a significant amount of weight, you’ve made great strides to improving your overall health and well-being. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of serious diseases, affects your self image and self confidence, and puts extra strain on your joints—which can ultimately effect your ability to carry out your daily activities and do the things you enjoy.

So, first of all, losing excess weight is one of the best things you can do for yourself. But sometimes extreme weight loss doesn’t leave you with the body you’d hoped for. Whether you lose weight through diet and exercise or surgery, you can end up with sagging skin. Your skin can be stretched by years of extra pounds and is left to hang once the weight is gone.

This is where body contouring comes in. These procedures are performed by plastic or reconstructive surgeons to tighten areas of sagging skin. Here’s a look at what surgeons can do for you to help you truly enjoy you new slim figure:

  • Tummy tuck: A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can streamline your abdomen and waist by removing sagging skin and any remaining areas of fat.
  • Arm lift: An arm lift can remove excess fat and skin from your upper arms.
  • Thigh and butt lift: A thigh can help tighten skin around your inner thigh. Likewise, a butt lift, tightens sagging skin on your buttocks. Some clients have a thigh and butt lift performed together.

Please click here to view before and after images of body contouring.

If you’ve lost a lot of weight, congratulations! When you’re ready to take the next step towards the body you want, contact our West Orange office 973-324-9455 to learn more about body contouring.
