The Different Types of Anesthesia Used in Plastic Surgery
The Different Types of Anesthesia Used in Plastic Surgery
Anesthesia, a vital component in numerous plastic surgery procedures, assumes a pivotal role in guaranteeing a comfortable and pain-free experience for patients. By effectively numbing the targeted area or inducing a controlled state of unconsciousness, anesthesia allows surgeons to carry...
A Guide to Understanding Dermal Fillers
A Guide to Understanding Dermal Fillers
Are you trying to find ways to refresh and rejuvenate your appearance without scheduling an invasive procedure? Dermal fillers are gaining popularity as a cosmetic treatment because of how fast these injectables enhance a person’s appearance. But different types of...
Which Skin Conditions Can Chemical Peels Treat?
Which Skin Conditions Can Chemical Peels Treat?
Are you struggling with embarrassing skin issues like acne, wrinkles, or sunspots? Well, you are not alone as countless Americans also report various skin conditions. Many people, regardless of age or gender, struggle with skin issues that can make them...
How to Eliminate Deep Wrinkles
How to Eliminate Deep Wrinkles
Some things improve with age, but unfortunately, our skin isn’t one of them. Few facial features make us look older than unwanted deep wrinkles and pigmentary changes to the skin. From liver spots, sunspots, and wrinkles, these telltale signs of...
How to Eliminate Sunspots with Plastic Surgery
How to Eliminate Sunspots with Plastic Surgery
Try as you might, there’s simply no denying the relationship between the sun’s harsh rays and skin damage. With age, excessive exposure to both UVA and UVB rays can culminate in various degrees of skin damage. Sure, following some preventive...
How CoolSculpting can improve body contours without surgery
How CoolSculpting can improve body contours without surgery
Hours at the gym every day doesn’t mean that you’ll get the results you want—especially when we’re talking about trouble spots of the body such as the midsection. Even with time on the treadmill and a focus on nutritional eating...
How do chemical peels enhance the skin?
How do chemical peels enhance the skin?
At the practice of Dr. Sanjay Lalla of West Orange, NJ, patients have access to a wide range of services for the skin and body. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, he is known for his surgical treatments, but also provides...
Restylane to reduce the signs of aging on the face
Restylane to reduce the signs of aging on the face
While a brow lift and facelift can be a great way for older adults to achieve a more youthful appearance, not all solutions are surgical. In fact, Dr. Sanjay Lalla of West Orange, NJ is a board certified plastic surgeon...
How Coolsculpting can transform your body contours without surgery
How Coolsculpting can transform your body contours without surgery
Dr. Sanjay Lalla is a board-certified plastic surgeon in the area of West Orange, NJ who offers surgical treatments for new and current patients. However, he also offers a range of nonsurgical treatments for patients to consider when thinking about...
Radiesse cosmetic injections to restore your youth!
Radiesse cosmetic injections to restore your youth!
Do you recognize yourself in the mirror? Are you dealing with the formation of fine lines and wrinkles that make you look older than you really are? Are you unhappy with your appearance, but don’t want to go straight for...